How Big is Maui?

Maui is the second-largest in Hawaii. The island has a population of 144,444 people and is the third most popular island in Hawaii. According to a report in The Guardian, this is one of the five best places to live in the world.  

Maui was named by the Native Hawaiian people. This island follows the legion of Hawai’iloa and the navigator that discovered the island. Maui is named after his son who was a demigod.


Maui was formed from the flow of lava over millions of years.  The older volcanos on the west form the Western Maui Mountains.

Pu’u Kukui is the largest peak on the mountain and is 5,788 feet above sea level.

The volcano Haleakala is located on the eastern coast and is still 10,000 feet above sea level.

On the east, there are deep valleys that surround the volcanos.

The last volcano eruption on Maui was back in 1790. While the volcanos are dormant,  the volcano Haleakala can erupt at any time.


Maui has a tropical season where the temperatures are hot and humid. The temperature of the island will be determined by the elevation. On top of some of the mountains, the temperature can even dip below freezing.  On top of the mountain, the air will be cooler. Daily showers are common and so are heavy but brief storms. The annual rainfall is around 20 inches.

Wildlife and Nature

This island is known for whale watching.  During the winter, humpback whales can be found in the warm waters where they mate. They're a protected species, but they still face the dangers of pollution and boat traffic.

Dolphins, tropical fish, and sea turtles can also be found in these waters. Human activity has damaged the once abundant coral reefs.

Some tropical birds can be found on the island of Maui. These include the Nene which is the state bird of Hawaii, the I’iwi, and the Hawaiian coot.

Native Hawaiians

The first people on Maui were Polynesians from Tahiti.  They followed the kapu which was a strict structure of social order and became part of the culture of Hawaii.

The Kamehameha people arrived in Maui in 1790, and within a couple of years they took over the island.

In 1778, James Cook became the first European to find the island. He never stepped foot on Maui because he could not find a good place to land.

Jean-Francois de Galaup became the first person European to step foot on this island two years later. After this, the Native Hawaiians and the Europeans began to trade.  

When Europeans began to move on Maui they banned many things that were native to the people.  They didn't allow their clothing and hula dancing.  

Native Hawaiians regained control in 1872 and formed the Republic of Hawaii. In 1900, Hawaii became a territory of the United States before becoming an official state in 1959.

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