How Big is Kauai?


Kauai is 619.96 square miles in size with 108.2 resident per square mile. The physical size of Kauai makes it the fourth largest Hawaiian island.

The highest point of the island tops out at 5,243 feet above sea level. Kauai has its own version of the Grand Canyon called Waimea Canyon, which measures at 3,000 feet deep.


Kauai has 72,133 residents as of July 1st, 2018, which is an increase of 7.5% from what it was on April 1st, 2010.

  • 5% are under the age of 5
  • 21.8% are under the age of 18 but older then 5
  • 20.2% are 65 years and older
  • 50.6% of the total population is made up of females
  • 33% Caucasian
  • 31% Asian decent
  • 25.6% are two or more races  
  • 9.2% Native Hawaiian
  • 0.7% African decent
  • 0.5% American Indian and Alaska Native decent

As of July 2018,  there were 31,240 housing units available. Even with there being so many housing units, it is recorded that only 63% of these units are even in use as of 2017.

The number of households was last recorded in 2017 and is recorded at only 22,563 with there being on average 3 people per household.


Kauai's economy is primarily driven by tourism with over a million people visiting the island annually.  Most people (87% of the population) are employed by small businesses - companies with 20 or fewer employees.

Here's a breakdown of Kauai's economy:

  • 3.1% unemployment rate (2019)
  • As of 2012:
  • there were 831,487 accommodations and food services sales 311,622 health care and social assistance receipts
  • 1,013,489 retail sales ($14,810 sales per capita)

The median household income is $72,330 (2017), and 10.1% of the population is considered in poverty. When it comes to business, there were a total of 27,328 people employed (2016). 3,840 of these businesses are owned by men and 2,953 are owned by women (2012).

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